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Lord, it’s Me Again is a book about finding God in everyday life; in the natural world around us, in people, in sacred scripture, movies, in music and possibly in a few places you least expect to find Him. The book is about walking alongside oneself and observing just how intricately God has woven Himself into our lives and the lives of others around us. It’s also about becoming more aware, more sensitive and more excited about renewing or building one’s faith in the love and generosity of the Creator. Finally I would say this book is about knowing, at our core, that each of us is uniquely created to serve a divine purpose that unfolds as we earnestly seek it.

Lord, it’s Me Again contains 31 daily meditations based on sacred scripture and accompanied by individual photographs meant to connect to the message in the meditation.

Lord, it’s Me Again is available from in print-on-demand in 5-1/2 x 8-1/2” paperback and in Kindle Reader format. Current pricing and delivery are provided on the site. Links to the print and Kindle versions are: